Di bawah ini adalah daftar idiom yang disertai dengan beberapa contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat.

1. a bad egg
2. a bad lot
3. a bag of bones
4. a baker’s dozen
5. a bargain
6. a bay window
7. a bear for
8. a bed of down
9. a bed of roses
10. a bee in one’s bonnet
11. a big hand
12. a bird’s eye view
13. a bit of blood
14. a bit of
15. a bit thick
16. a bit
17. a bitter pill for one to swallow
18. a back eye
19. a black outlook
20. a bleeding heart
21. a blot on his escutcheon
22. a blue rose
23. a blue story
24. a blue-eyed boy
25. a body of
26. a bolt from the blue
27. a bone of contention
28. a boon companion
29. a bootless errand
30. a born fool
31. a brain-wave
32. a brass band
33. a breath of air
34. a broken hearth
35. a broken man
36. a broken reed
37. a brown study
38. a bull in a china shop
39. a burning question
40. a case in point
41. a case of life and death
42. a cast in the eye
43. a cast of mind
44. a cat and dog life
45. a cat’s paw
46. a certain
47. a chain smoker
48. a change for the better
49. a change for the worse
50. a chip of old block
51. a chit of a girl
52. a christmas box
53. a clean break
54. a clear voice
55. a close friend
56. a close shave
57. a cock and bull story
58. a cold snap
59. a commanding view
60. a considerable part
61. a contingent
62. a convalescent
63. a cool hand
64. a coon’s age
65. a couple of married people
66. a crack hand at
67. a credit to
68. a crick in one’s neck
69. a dead beat
70. a dead loss
71. a dead set
72. a dead shot
73. a death blow
74. a die hard
75. a dirty look
76. a discordant note
77. a dog’s age
78. a dog’s life
79. a drag on another
80. a drink on the house
81. a drinking bout
82. a drop in the ocean
83. a drop of
84. a dropping fire
85. a drug in the market
86. a duck’s egg
87. a dumb dog
88. a dusky skin
89. a fair of bellows
90. a far cry
91. a far cry to
92. a fast colour
93. a fast grower
94. a fast master
95. a feather in one’s cap
96. a few
97. a fifty-fifty basis
98. a fight with the gloves off
99. a fighting chance
100. a figure of speech
101. a fish story
102. a flash in the pan
103. a flea in one’s ear
104. a flood of
105. a fly in the ointment
106. a fly on the coach wheel
107. a fool for one’s pains
108. a free fight
109. a friend at court
110. a frosting on the cake
111. a fur red tongue
112. a galaxy of
113. a going concern
114. a golden opportunity
115. a gone coon
116. a good break
117. a good conscience
118. a good deal of
119. a good hand
120. a good hand at
121. a good head for business
122. a good loser
123. a good many
124. a good match for
125. a good mixer
126. a good Samaritan
127. a good show
128. a good table
129. a good trencher man
130. a good turn
131. a good way
132. a good while
133. a go-go girl
134. a grain of truth
135. a grand race
136. a grass widower
137. a great deal of
138. a great hand at
139. a great length
140. a great many
141. a Greek gift
142. a green hand
143. a gripping story
144. a hair breadth escape
145. a hair’s breadth
146. a handful of
147. a handle to one’s name
148. a hard and fast rule
149. a hard knock
150. a hard nut to crack
151. a hard way
152. a heady wine
153. a heap of
154. a heart of stone
155. a heart to heart talk
156. a heavenly body
157. a heavy hand
158. a heavy heart
159. a hell of a noise
160. a helping hand
161. a hit-or-miss
162. a hole in one’s coat
163. a host of
164. a house of cards
165. a household word
166. a jack-of-all-trades
167. a jarring note
168. a kettle of fish
169. a killing story
170. a large amount of
171. a large number of
172. a large quantity of
173. a laughing-stock
174. a leap in the dark
175. a left-handed compliment
176. a lick and a promise
177. a lie out of whole cloth
178. a life sentence
179. a light finger
180. a light hand
181. a light heart
182. a likely assistant
183. a little
184. a livable life
185. a long dozen
186. a long drink
187. a long tongue
188. a long view
189. a long way off
190. a look-in
191. a losing game
192. a lot of
193. a made man
194. a man about town
195. a man after my heart
196. a man of business
197. a man of high principles
198. a man of letters
199. a man of mark
200. a man of means
201. a man of note
202. a man of one’s word
203. a man of parts
204. a man of straw
205. a man of substance
206. a man of the world
207. a marked difference
208. a martyr to a disease
209. a matter in hand
210. a matter of course
211. a matter of fact
212. a matter of form
213. a matter of inches
214. a matter of time
215. a measured tread
216. a middle course
217. a miss is as good as a mile
218. a mixed bag
219. a  moment ago
220. a moot point